It's been a while... a very long while! I can't believe the last time I blogged was July! So neglectful!
What have I been doing since July? I've no idea lol My memory is shocking! Anyway rather than bore you with catching up, I am starting again, right here with my resolutions for 2011.
I've been thinking of new years resolutions for this coming year and then I looked at the ones for last year! They appear to be very similar!
My New Years resolutions for last year:
1. Do more layouts! (Failed, I haven't done anywhere near the amount of scrapping I did last year, infact, I can't choose my 10 favourite LO's because I have only done 5!!! Ignoring the ones I did on the Sarah's Cards retreat!)
2. Get upto date with my scrap projects. (Failed, again I am even more behind!)
3. Lose weight (Like I haven't said that before) (I've put that stone on which I had lost last year :o( )
4. Eat healthier meals. (Ongoing, still eating too many bad ones too!)
5. Do more exercise. (Failed! I still don't do any exercise at all!)
6. Keep the house clean and tidy. (Failed! The house is a mess as usual!)
7. Be more organised! (Failed, I'm as disorganised as ever!)
8. Take more photo's of my gorgous daughter! (I am trying to but sometimes a month slips by and I haven't taken any!)
9. Don't take on any more projects until I get some completed! (I did!)
It's not good, I don't know why I bother having resolutions, but I do start each year with the intention of keeping them up, as I will this year! So resolutions for this year are exactly the same, but hopefully with some more Achieved's beside them!
So projects I need to catch up has now grown!
1. JYC 2009 (Journal Your Christmas)
2. JYC 2008 (Yep I haven't even finished that one either!)
3. Scrap Your Day
4. BOM (A - Z Book of Me)
5. Just Us (A mini book of piccys of me and Dave)
6. JYC 2010 (I've only done 10 pages!)
7. Halloween book of Chloe (In progress)
I have also started knitting! Impressive I know (for me!) I have knitted my Mother-in-law a scarf for Christmas and I have knitted myself one with the left over wool. I did try to knit my Mum one, but the wool had this major fault in and because the shop (Samuel Taylors) didn't have any more of the same wool, they kindly gave me a scarf which had been crotched in the same wool. I was still a little disappointed as I had wanted to knit her one too. I am currently knitting a baby blanket because my oldest bestest mate Bev, is having a baby, which I am so excited about! (oldest because we have known each other the longest! lol)
Here are some other things I have been upto this year:
The Wedding Guest Book I did for Emma (Chloe's Nursery Keyworker)

Inside Page:

Example of an inside page:

Unfortunately the pictures aren't great, I also did one for my friend Hayley which was very similar, but I can't find piccys of that one sorry!
My MIL's scarf in progress:

And a couple of pictures of my little Angel <3 'The Whirlwind' formally known as Chloe xx
Firstly a WIP (Work in Progress)- the advent calendar my dad made, is mostly decorated, i just need to figure out what to do with the roof space! I don't think Chloe noticed it wasn't finished.

Well that's it for now, I will try and blog more this year! (And scrap more and stick to my resolutions etc .... lol )
T xx